Monday, May 5, 2008

ER Part II

They say trouble comes in 3's...I really don't believe it, but just to be safe I am going to lay low for a couple of weeks. This is the second trip to the ER in about a month, the first for my son and the second for me. Conduit hanger versus finger and sharp metal won this time and I suspect every time. Nothing like spending Sunday evening in the ER. Wildest thing we saw there was a 3 year old that had a huge treble hook stuck in his foot, it looked like a prop for a movie it was so big. He was going to have to go for surgery because the hook got a bone in his foot, he was a little trooper though.
It had been a good weekend of running and I hope this doesn't slow me down 3 weeks out from the Andy Payne marathon. Saturday a comfortable 9 miles and Sunday after church another 12. Really looking forward to getting back out there and running.

1 comment:

T Z said...

All I can say is OUCH!!!!